Code of Conduct for U18s - Policy


This Code of Conduct, which is specifically for those under 18 years of age, identifies a set of principles which describes the conduct expected by those under 18 years of age and involved in ministry at the Berwick Church of Christ.

To ensure those under 18 yars of age understand the Code of Conduct, Parents/Guardians are strongly encouraged to read and explain the principles to their child. The Code of Conduct is to be signed only by those Under 18 years of age and once a volunteer turns 18 years they must sign the standard Code of Conduct. The original signed copy of this Code of Conduct will be kept with the confidential Safe Ministry records which are maintained by the Safety Contact Person.


This Code of Conduct which is specific to under 18 year olds, sets out what is required to comply within ministry at the Berwick Church of Christ.  Its purpose is to:

  • Promote adherence to Biblical values that are important in ministry.
  • Defines the principles that will guide under 18 year olds involved in ministry in their everyday life and to provide a helpful framework as they make choices about their ministry and personal life.
  • Provide a public declaration of how under 18 year olds involved in ministry live their lives.
  • Promote public confidence in the ministries of the Berwick Church of Christ.
  • Promote alignment with the vision, mission and values of Berwick Church of Christ.


This Code of Conduct only applies to under 18 year olds involved in ministry, in any role at Berwick Church of Christ and requires both the under 18 year old volunteer and their parent/guardian to sign this policy.


  1. I will endeavour at all times to conduct myself in a manner that honours God and His church.
  2. I will actively seek to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ.
  3. At all times I will seek to conduct all my personal relationships in a godly manner, acting with respect, love and integrity towards all those with whom I associate.
  4. In my communications (verbal/written), I will be honouring and truthful, avoiding exaggeration, misrepresentation and gossip, and will maintain appropriate levels of confidentiality.
  5. I will dress, present and conduct myself in a modest way.
  6. In my ministry, I will endeavour to punctual, reliable and trustworthy and acknowledge my accountability to my ministry leaders.
  7. I will attend all prescribed training that is required by the Berwick Church of Christ unless formally excused.
  8. In situations where conflict and division occur based on Matthew 18:15-16 and 5:23-24 it is my responsibility, without gossip, to go and seek reconciliation one on one.  Where I am uncomfortable or dont know how to do this, or the conflict remains unresolved, I will seek help from a Pastor, Leader or Elder in resolving the matter.
  9. I will be responsible in the use of legal addictive substances and activities (e.g. prescription drugs/alcohol/gambling) and will not use an prohibited substance.
  10. In my personal relationships, I will act with purity following the guidelines of scripture as my point of reference.
  11. In my ministry I will exercise due diligence and care toward the minors (under 18 year olds) I am responsible for, and will actively promote a safe environment where harassment or abuse (sexual or otherwise) is not tolerated. I will alert a Pastor or Ministry Leader immediately of any suspicious or inappropriate behaviour I may observe.
  12. In my ministry I will not teach in contradiction to the Bible or the values as outlined in this code, and I will uphold the reputation of the Christian faith and Berwick Church of Christ at all times in line with the Statement of Faith. 
  13. I will not have contact with a child (under 18 years old) of which I oversea as a leader either by phone, via my personal social media profiles, email accounts or engage in online chat rooms unless it is in a group setting with multiple Leaders, that includes the Ministry Leader (i.e. Facebook message group) as stated in the Social Media Policy.
  14. In all ministry related financial matters I will act with honesty and integritty.  I will publicly account for all monies handled by me on behalf of others.  In my personal use of money I will be generous and consider the needs of others above my own self interests.
  15. I will not post any images, videos or written material online or on any social media site that may be deemed, interpreted, or reasonably perceived to be, offensive, insulting, hurtful or defamatory to anyone, in particular a Staff Member, a Leader, a Volunteer or member of the public.
  16. I will let the leader(s) to whom I am immediately accountable in Berwick Church of Christ know when I am not able to follow this code with integrity.
  17. I agree to express the vision, mission, values and principles of Berwick Church of Christ at all times.
  18. I agree to comply with all Berwick Church of Christ policies, procedures and guidelines and accept that I am responsible for my own conduct at all times. 

Personal Details


I acknowledge that I have read and understand this Code of Conduct, and I agree that in the course of my association with the Berwick Church of Christ that I will undertake to conduct myself in accordance with the principles of this Code of Conduct, and I agree to surrender my leadership if I am unable to fulfil my responsibilities.  I also understand that disciplinary measures and/or legal steps may be taken if I am found to be in breach of the Code of Conduct, and I agree to resign from my role/position whether it is a voluntary or paid staff role/position if requested.

Please provide your parent's name and contact details to ensure they are prepared to underwrite this policy.