If this concern is in relation to a person under the age of 18 years, please refer to the Child Safety Reporting Procedure.
If in doubt, ask a Pastor or the Safety Contact Person for help.
- Call emergency services if there is immediate danger.
- Listen to any concerns being raised.
- If you are under 18, ask a Pastor or the Safety Contact Person to assist you.
- Interact as follows:
- Support the person and reassure them.
- Emphasise that what occurred is not their fault.
- Stop questioning the child and witnesses if the conduct described is like to constitute criminal conduct.
- Consider whether expert assistance is needed to support a child to communicate their concern or disclosure (e.g. language interpreter).
- Limit questioning, ask only open questions.
- Don't make promises that cannot be kept.
- Include that the information will remain confidential and tell the person who will be told and why.
- Document the conversation using the person's exact words as far as possible.
- Write up the concern straight away and any actions taken in response to the concern.
- Report to the Police if you have a reasonable belief of child sexual abuse. (If you are 18 or over, you are personally obliged to report to police, if you have a reasonable belief that a person who is 18 or older has committed or attempted to commit a sexual offence against a child who is under 16.)
- Respect everyone's privacy and do not discuss your concerns with anyone else. If you need support contact a Pastor or the Safety Contact Person.
- On submitting this Form, it will be directly sent to the Safety Contact Person.
Safety Contact Person: Karen Fletcher
Mobile: 0438 886 337
Email: karenf@bcoc.com.au