If this concern is in relation to a person under the age of 18, please refer to the Child Safety Reporting Procedures (located at www.berwickchurch.org.au/policies).
- Call 000 (emergency services) if there is immediate danger.
- If someone is informing you of any concerns, listen carefully:
- If you're under 18, ask a Team Leader of Pastor to assist you.
- Interact as follows:
- Support the person and reassure them
- Limit questioning, ask only open questions
- Don't make promises that cannot be kept
- Include that the information will remain confidential, and tell the person who will be told and why
- Document the conversation using the person's exact words as far as possible.
- Write up the concern and any actions taken in response to the concern.
- Report to the Police, if you have a reasonable belief of child sexual abuse. (If you are 18 or over, you are personally obliged to report to the poicye if you have a reasonable belief that a person who is 18 or older has committed or attempted to commit a sexual offence against a child who is under 16.)
- Do not discuss your concerns with anyone else. If you need support contact the Safety Contact Person or a Pastor.
- This completed report will only be forwarded to the Safety Contact Person.
Safety Contact Person: Karen Fletcher
Mobile: 0438 886 337
Email: karenf@bcoc.com.au
Church Office: 9702 1011 (Mondays to Thursdays only)